The fabulous Les Edwards

Having just updated this blog with a portrait of myself, see my profile, taken many years ago by my sister Anne I thought I'd use this opportunity to  include this painting by the incomparable Les Edwards/Edward Miller (check out his fab websites and all will become clear).

Image copyright Les Edwards

Long before there were flowers and fruit, shells and skulls there were portraits. Back in the mid 80's when I first arrived in London I was fortunate enough to be welcomed by the guys and gals of  the British Fantasy Society and became for several years a sort of in-house photographer for them, shooting portraits  of the likes of Clive Barker, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Kim Newman, Nicholas Royle, Stephen Jones, Mark Morris, Conrad Williams, Michael Marshall (Smith) and of course Les. I became friends with many, more than just passing acquaintances with many more but it is Les and his lovely wife Val, hostess extrodinaire, that I became closest to. Les was very kind to do the above portrait  in return for what I  consider a lesser (photographic) portrait of him by myself. It's actually a little freaky sitting here typing this as the original canvas is hanging on the wall to my left, reflected in a huge mirror and in front of me here on the screen, and yes the eyes do follow you.

If any of the above names are new to you I can only suggest you check them out at your earliest convenience, tell 'em I sent you.

Be well and enjoy